Am I eligible for financial support?

Students who started their studies at UWB after 24 February 2022 are entitled to a scholarship from the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports. Students do not need to apply for a scholarship separately, the UWB automatically applies for them.

More information is available on the website of the Ministry of Education and Culture.

UWB does not currently provide other scholarships.


Am I eligible to have my dormitory fees waived?

You will find out more information during September.


I am renting an apartment on a commercial basis. Can I take advantage of accommodation at the dormitory?

We will try to arrange accommodation at a university dormitory for students who find it hard to continue to pay rent at private accommodation.

If interested in dormitory accommodation, please submit your request by email to

The info4ua e-mail line works in Czech and English; Didn't get an answer? Check your spam folder.


I would like my relatives (from Ukraine) to stay at UWB accommodation facilities

Family members of UWB students may take advantage of the university's accommodation capacity. Accommodation at university dormitories in Pilsen is primarily intended for existing and future UWB students. UWB's other accommodation facilities may be used to provide accommodation for students' family members.

If interested in arranging accommodation, please send your request by email to


The accommodation capacity of UWB is currently full.
The info4ua e-mail line works in Czech and English; Didn't get an answer? Check your spam folder.

Please note that upon arrival all refugees must register at the Regional Assistance Center for Ukraine, where they will be registered, issued visas and provided with health insurance.


I am looking for a part-time job

The University of West Bohemia has contacted its partners who might be hiring students.  As soon as the list of available part-time jobs is complete, we will share it with students.

  • The Faculty of Applied Sciences offers work mainly to students of technical fields with knowledge of mathematics, physics or mechanics.
    Those interested can send a short description of their experience to the e-mail
  • Also Konplan offers work to Ukrainian, Belarusian and Russian students.

More opportunities here.


I need crisis support

As part of the support effort, students also have access to a crisis manager and psychologist.

Crisis phone line: +420 702 151 230
(Monday–Friday, 9–11 a.m. and 1–2 p.m.)

Crisis email contact:
(Monday–Friday, 8 a.m. – 6 p.m.)

Psychological assistance: appointments by email at
(Monday, 5.30 p.m. – 6.30 p.m.)


I need information

To support Ukrainian students and staff at UWB, a special email address has been set up: Any Ukrainians studying or working at UWB may send their requests to this address from Monday to Friday.

The info4ua e-mail line works in Czech and English; Didn't get an answer? Check your spam folder.


I feel threatened

Universities are places where human rights are respected and basic values include protecting the dignity of all people.

We want to ensure the safety of all UWB students, regardless of their nationality. However, if you feel any kind of threat, please contact our crisis section on +420 702 151 230 or send an email to

The University of West Bohemia can also mediate contact with the appropriate security services.

The info4ua e-mail line works in Czech and English; Didn't get an answer? Check your spam folder.


How does the system of recognizing education attained abroad work in the Czech Republic?

Detailed information about recognizing college degrees and qualifications attained abroad is available on the website of the Ministry of Education.


How can I get accommodation at UWB?

If interested in accommodation, please send your request to


The accommodation capacity of UWB is currently full.
The info4ua e-mail line works in Czech and English; Didn't get an answer? Check your spam folder.

Please note that all refugees must register at the Regional Assistance Center for Ukraine, where upon registration they will be issued visas and provided with health insurance.


How can I get financial support?

Students who started their studies at UWB after 24 February 2022 are entitled to a scholarship from the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports. Students do not need to apply for a scholarship separately, the UWB automatically applies for them.

More information is available on the website of the Ministry of Education and Culture.

UWB does not currently provide other scholarships.


What can I study?

During the ongoing admissions procedure, those interested in studying at UWB can submit an application for a study program of their choice, which they would enroll in and study in Czech in the next academic year. They can select one from the portfolio of fields of study.

The deadlines for submitting applications and other necessary information can be found in the Applicant's Manual.

Those interested in studying from Ukraine who were granted temporary protection pursuant to Act No. 65/2022 Coll. By Rector's Decision No. 13R/2022, they are exempt from the fee for the assessment of foreign education and from the fee for the admission procedure at the UWB.


I need crisis support

As part of the support effort, students also have access to a crisis manager and psychologist.

Crisis phone line: +420 702 151 230
(Monday–Friday, 9–11 a.m. and 1–2 p.m.)

Crisis email contact:
(Monday–Friday, 8 a.m. – 6 p.m.)

Psychological assistance: appointments by email at
(Monday, 5.30 p.m. – 6.30 p.m.)


I need information

To support Ukrainian students and staff at UWB, a special email address has been set up: Any Ukrainians studying or working at UWB may send their requests to this address from Monday to Friday.

The info4ua e-mail line works in Czech and English; Didn't get an answer? Check your spam folder.


I need information about Czech universities

Czech universities are responding to the situation in Ukraine by offering various forms of assistance to Ukrainian students, academics and scientists who have found themselves in a difficult situation and need support. For more information, visit the Study in the Czech Republic website.


How can I help financially or materially?

The University of West Bohemia is asking all those who want to help Ukraine to participate in the ongoing financial or material collections.

The PilsFree Association has approached the University of West Bohemia to help spread word about a charitable collection of computers, thanks to which refugees will be able to remain in touch with those who could not leave Ukraine. The device can also be handed over to the CIV HelpDesk on the campus.


How can I help as a volunteer?

Volunteers wanting to help Ukrainian families arriving in Pilsen, for example, by looking after or teaching children or performing other supporting activities, can register in the volunteer database, which has been set up by the Faculty of Education in collaboration with the City of Pilsen. If their services are needed, the municipal authorities organizing the particular assistance will contact them.

The Faculty of Education has also re-activated the "Helping the Pilsen Region" Facebook group, which connects those who want to help with those who need help. This assistance primarily involves teaching Czech, interpreting, tutoring, etc., as well as offers of material assistance.


I want UWB to provide accommodation for refugees from Ukraine

UWB accommodation facilities in Pilsen are intended primarily for existing and new students and academics from Ukraine and members of their families.

If interested in arranging accommodation, please send your request by email to

The info4ua e-mail line works in Czech and English; Didn't get an answer? Check your spam folder.


I want to help Ukrainian refugees find jobs

The Human Resources Center of the Pilsen Region can arrange jobs for medical doctors, nurses, paramedics, construction workers and people interested in employment in the transportation, services and other sectors. Anyone interested in finding employment can complete an online questionnaire.

Job opportunities here.


How to provide support

Universities are places where human rights are respected and basic values include protecting the dignity of all people.

The act of Russian aggression in Ukraine leaves no one indifferent; however, we cannot assume someone's opinions or political affiliations just based on their nationality.

Not only students from Ukraine, but also those from Russia and Belarus are faced with all kinds of problems these days – they worry about their family and friends, deal with existential problems, and feel uncertain and concern about the future.

Therefore, let us all have empathy. Express your support, talk to your friends, offer your assistance and comfort those in need of comforting – that often means more than making grand gestures.

Let us transform our inner outrage over the military aggression into some form of assistance for those who need it at this point.

We have also been urged by  the Minister of Education Petr Gazdík to show mutual respect and prevent the current war situation and events from interfering with the system of education.


The Regional Assistance Center for Ukraine

Upon arrival in Pilsen, all refugees must register at the Regional Assistance Center for Ukraine.

The Center conducts and provides the following:

  • Registrations, document checks, identification
  • Issuing visas, personal documents, etc.
  • Health insurance registration
  • Health care
  • Humanitarian aid – food, beverages, clothing
  • Psychosocial assistance
  • Arranging accommodation
  • Transport to accommodation

Important documents