
Why Choose US?

All nine faculties of our university share a common goal: to prepare you for a successful career. We’ll show you that theory is not boring, we’ll foster your self-esteem, and build your courage to bring down boundaries, maybe including the cosmic ones.

You are unique, and the University of West Bohemia in Pilsen supports uniqueness in its students. We have prepared for you a flexible system of studies which opens wide opportunities to broaden the scope of your studies by adding lectures and seminars from other faculties to your study plan. At the same time, we regularly update the list of study exchanges offered at partner universities around the world. Enrich your studies, take advantage of study stays and exchanges, and maximize your knowledge and experience in your field. Meet new friends, maybe find partners to design a new Formula One, create an educational video game, or a revolutionary shoe design. Nothing is impossible – we will stand by you.

We do know that university life does not begin and end in the lecture hall. We honestly recommend that you enjoy your student life. Pilsen has a lot to offer to its students: concerts, exhibitions, clubs, students’ festivals, a wide variety of sports, and, of course, Pilsner beer!