Human Resources

At the beginning of December 2018, the Faculty of Electrical Engineering obtained a prestigious HR Excellence in Research Award, which it sought within the UWB project HR Award, after a year of hard work. This award is awarded by the European Commission and confirms the right setting in the area of strategy and human resources management. An interim self-assessment of the current implementation of the action plan took place in the autumn 2020, in February 2021 was award confirmed by European Commission.

In June 2023, the University of West Bohemia obtained the HR Excellence in Research Award, practically bringing together these awards from individual workplaces of the university.

- Implementation and validation  / mastering of all HR processes
- Bonuses for evaluating new projects
- Advantages for drawing overhead costs in projects

Implementation of the Charter and the Code at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering is within the framework of the HR Award university project, registration number: CZ.02.2.69/0.0/0.0/16_028/0006188.

Documents relevant to the faculty before combining the individual parts awards

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