Human Resources
At the beginning of December 2018, the Faculty of Electrical Engineering obtained a prestigious HR Excellence in Research Award, which it sought within the UWB project HR Award, after a year of hard work. This award is awarded by the European Commission and confirms the right setting in the area of strategy and human resources management. An interim self-assessment of the current implementation of the action plan took place in the autumn 2020, in February 2021 was award confirmed by European Commission.
In June 2023, the University of West Bohemia obtained the HR Excellence in Research Award, practically bringing together these awards from individual workplaces of the university.
- Implementation and validation / mastering of all HR processes
- Bonuses for evaluating new projects
- Advantages for drawing overhead costs in projects
Implementation of the Charter and the Code at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering is within the framework of the HR Award university project, registration number: CZ.02.2.69/0.0/0.0/16_028/0006188.
Documents relevant to the faculty before combining the individual parts awards
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Equal Opportunity Policy
"The Faculty of Electrical Engineering of the University of West Bohemia is committed to open and equal access to education and creative activity with the aim of eliminating cultural, social, and other barriers that prevent certain groups from increasing their educational attainment, even though they have good study prerequisites, or from joining faculty research teams, even though they have the necessary prerequisites for creative activity."
FEE management
(Strategic Plan of FEE 2021 – 2025)
Dear colleagues,
The main values that the Faculty of Electrical Engineering of UWB professes and supports include freedom, democracy, ethics, courage and responsibility, openness, individual and equal access, justice, professionalism, and expertise. The role of an equitable and inclusive environment is reflected in the quality and impact of the research and development results achieved, which, among other things, reflect the needs of society as a whole. The quality of results is also influenced by an open working environment and diversified work teams that allow for the development of talent from both staff and students. The Faculty is committed to the significant involvement of students in all its professional activities, thus opening up opportunities not only for their employment and the development of their human potential.
The Faculty has been working systematically on the policy of equal access, the so-called EDI (Equality, Diversity, Inclusion) policy, and its implementation for a long time. One of the important outcomes of this work is the Gender Equality Plan.
The Faculty has significantly contributed to the development of the Gender Equality Plan of the University of West Bohemia and subscribes to its content. It considers the gradual implementation of individual areas to be its priority interest and therefore presents at the end of this document specific steps by which it implements the University-wide plan and, at the same time, proportionally adapts it to its specific conditions.
prof. Ing. Zdeněk Peroutka, Ph.D.
Dean of the Faculty of Electrical Engineering
University of West Bohemia
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Job applicant
The University of West Bohemia in Pilsen (UWB) has issued principles for open and transparent recruitment at the UWB for the needs of candidates. In this document, the UWB selection procedure course is described; this course is also visualized below. The document also includes information on the UWB and FEE working environment for new employees. The list of currently offered job positions is available here (Career section on the UWB website).
The course of the selection procedure
Deadline for the selection procedure
submission of the application by the candidate
Examination of the application and annexes and decision on the interview
by the selection board
Agreeing a suitable date for the interview
by the contact person
Interviews with candidates
before the selection board
Assessment and recommendation of the suitable candidate
by the selection board to the announcer
Decision on filling a job position
by the announcer
Informing candidates
by the contact person
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- Employee guide from HR of UWB
- Internal payroll regulation of UWB
- Code of Conduct
- Organizational structure of UWB
- Organizational structure of FEE (Organization regulations of FEE UWB)
- Links map for FEE employess
Regulations related to internal organization
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